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About me

I work as a coaching psychologist, from a therapeutic level where needed, through to vision making, specialising in helping people understand and influence themselves and grow. I have more than thirty years of learning about and using psychology in my work. With a background in primary teaching in the years where one could be creative and have time to truly respond to the holistic needs of children, I re-trained initially in relational counselling. Realising that I felt that to be deeply effective with clients I needed both more training and more personal development work myself, I then began a full humanistic psychotherapy training. I graduated from the Spectrum Centre for Humanistic Psychotherapy in 2001 after nearly 10 years of training.

 I have a wide experience base including multinationals, small businesses and start-ups as well as group and 1-1 personal growth sessions. I have worked with clients in nature from 2005, nurturing an awareness of the earth we live in and the wonder of being part of nature, through to working with nature to enhance wellbeing and to give us levelling and new perspectives. I work particularly well with people in the creative world.  I am committed to continuing professional development in stress management, formative work and coaching psychology, and I undertake regular supervision. Always feel free to ask about qualifications and experience.

Qualifications & Training

2002 Spectrum Course for Humanistic Psychotherapy 

1991 BA Honours (Open) . Psychology. ( 2.1)  

1977 Certificate in Education, English and History 

1974 Certificate in Preliminary Residential Child Care (a preliminary social work qualification).

Professional Membership
I am a graduate member of the British Psychological Society, and a member of its Coaching Section

Personal Background

I love to write, often about nature, and making things: weaving, sewing, collage, and when I can use equipment: jewellery making, glass fusing and pottery. I love walking and being in nature and find sanctuary in my garden. I adore opera and will often pop into a gallery or exhibition when I am working in London. I am currently enjoying art history courses at the National Gallery.

 My primary passion is wildlife, especially South African mammals, and adore elephants and primates especially. I have studied wildlife and conservation a little between working walking and creating. My favourite experience in South Africa is to walk in the wilderness in a small group for a week, sleeping under the stars and taking turns to do night watch round a fire. I also have a small non-profit supporting projects started and run by Zulu people for the benefit of their communities and conservation.